Singing Guide: Peter Paul and Mary

Singing Guide: Peter Paul and Mary

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

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How to Sing like Peter Paul and Mary

Peter Paul and Mary are an iconic folk band known for their close harmonies and socially conscious lyrics. To emulate their unique vocal style, there are several key techniques and practices to keep in mind.

Breathing and Support

Proper breathing and support are essential for any type of singing, and are particularly important when attempting to sing like Peter Paul and Mary. Focus on breathing deeply and filling the lungs completely before starting any phrase. As you exhale, engage the diaphragm and abdominal muscles to provide support for your singing. The breathing exercises in the Farinelli Breathing video can be helpful for developing this technique.

Vocal Range and Harmonies

Peter Paul and Mary are known for their beautiful vocal harmonies, with each member contributing their own unique range and tone to the group sound. To replicate this, it's important to not only develop your own vocal range, but also to be able to blend your voice with others. Use the Vocal Range Test to determine your own vocal range, and try singing along with Peter Paul and Mary recordings to practice blending your voice with theirs.

Open Throat

To achieve the clear and resonant tone that is characteristic of Peter Paul and Mary's sound, it's important to keep your throat open while singing. This allows for greater airflow and prevents strain on the vocal cords. The Open Mouth and Throat article can provide helpful tips for achieving this.

Song Choice

Peter Paul and Mary are known for their socially conscious lyrics and activism. When selecting songs to sing in their style, focus on those that convey a strong message and have a powerful emotional impact. Some great examples include "If I Had a Hammer," "Blowin' in the Wind," and "This Land is Your Land." Use the Song Search tool to find songs that match your vocal range, difficulty level, and genre preference.


To further develop your singing skills and work towards singing like Peter Paul and Mary, there are several Singing Carrots resources that can be helpful. For example, the Contemporary Vocal Techniques: Heavy Modal, Twang, Belting article can help you achieve the twangy tone associated with folk singing. The Breath Support article can provide additional guidance on proper breathing. Finally, the Singing Course for Beginners provides a comprehensive introduction to singing theory and practice.

By incorporating these techniques and resources, you can work towards singing like Peter Paul and Mary and develop your own unique folk singing style.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.